Offer your clients best in class ad solutions.
Give your clients fast ad production and smooth delivery, using the latest ad formats. Discover our tools and services.

Trusted by leading media owners
Create immersive ads in Madington Station
Madington Station is a creative management platform designed for streamlined ad production and smooth collaboration.
Advantage compatible
Compatible with the open-source standard Advantage. Advantage is designed to simplify and standardize high-impact display advertising on the web.
Revenue management
Want to maximize the value of every impression and every visitor? We analyze, optimize and give advise following our business' best practice.
Development of creative ad formats
Stay in the forefront of the ad publishing industry just got easy. Team up with us and develop unique premium formats for your customers.
Dynamic outdoor
Give your clients the opportunity to show real time content based on external factors, such as weather, time and geo.
API Experts
Enhance the effectiveness of your clients ads by connecting them to live product feeds through our API expertise.
Knowledge of DOOH infrastructure
We know that the DOOH landscape can be quite fragmented and complex. We are experts in navigating in this environment.
Quality assurance
Quality assurance is top priority for outdoor vendors and we have developed routines for testing before going live.
Madington has provided us with valuable and efficient, high-quality AdTech solutions.
Madington is an important commercial partner for us at TV2.no, and we benefit from their solutions daily. For several years, Madington has provided us with valuable and efficient, high-quality AdTech solutions. Not to mention, also award-winning.
Together, we were awarded Media Channel of the Year, for an advanced AdTech solution that we created for Samsung. Madington work proactively with our challenges and has made great impact on our commercial offer. We are very proud of our partnership, and we look forward for many years to come.

All-new ad format: Think fullscreen. Then double it.
We doubled the scroll height and the agencies and advertisers went crazy. The secret? User interaction where the potential customer is in full control – scrolling her way through the format. You are also able to combine branding and conversion in one high-impact ad unit – with 200% attention.
How to get started? We help you implement the format no matter what platform you operate from. To make it easy for your inhouse team, advertisers or agencies to produce double fullscreen at scale, we can create custom templates for you on any of our platforms. Not to mention: Selling this premium format with our Madington integration means that you keep more revenue inhouse.